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I User
Autorem Jest Cassius
Oryginalny Temat
Skrypt mojego autorstwa.
1. Stwórz plik Friendly Dog.xml a do niego wklej:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <npc name="Friendly Dog" script="data/npc/scripts/fd.lua" access="0" monster="1" speed="220" level="10" maglevel="1" exp="0" pushable="0" lookdir="0"> <health now="100" max="100"/> <mana now="100" max="100"/> <look type="32" head="78" body="61" legs="52" feet="114" corpse="2839"/> </npc>
2. Następnie stwórz plik fd.lua a w nim:
focus = 0 talk_start = 0 target = 0 following = false attacking = false function onThingMove(creature, thing, oldpos, oldstackpos) end function onCreatureAppear(creature) end function onCreatureDisappear(cid, pos) if focus == cid then sx, sy, sz = selfGetPosition() focus = 0 talk_start = 0 end end function onCreatureTurn(creature) end function msgcontains(txt, str) return (string.find(txt, str) and not string.find(txt, '(%w+)' .. str) and not string.find(txt, str .. '(%w+)')) end function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) msg = string.lower(msg) if (msgcontains(msg, 'hi') and (focus == 0)) and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 then selfSay('How How!') focus = cid talk_start = os.clock() elseif msgcontains(msg, 'hi') and (focus ~= cid) and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 then selfSay('Grrrrrrrrr!') elseif focus == cid then talk_start = os.clock() if msgcontains(msg, 'a') then sx, sy, sz = selfGetPosition() selfMoveTo(sx-1, sy, sz) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'd') then sx, sy, sz = selfGetPosition() selfMoveTo(sx+1, sy, sz) elseif msgcontains(msg, 's') then sx, sy, sz = selfGetPosition() selfMoveTo(sx, sy+1, sz) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'w') then sx, sy, sz = selfGetPosition() selfMoveTo(sx, sy-1, sz) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'z') then selfSay('exori mort') elseif msgcontains(msg, 'x') then selfSay('exura') elseif string.find(msg, '(%a*)bye(%a*)') and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 then selfSay('Mhmmmuu... Mhmuuu... !!!') focus = 0 talk_start = 0 end end end function onCreatureChangeOutfit(creature) end function onThink() if (os.clock() - talk_start) > 3600 then if focus > 0 then selfSay('Wuff! Wuff?') end focus = 0 end if focus ~= 0 then if getDistanceToCreature(focus) > 1000 then selfSay('Wuff! Wuff!!! Wuuuuffff!!!!') focus = 0 end end end
Napisz hi.
Od teraz możesz nim sterować za pomocą:
w a s d (Jak strzałki - chodzenie)
z - atak
x - leczenie się
/// Nie wiem po co to komu, ale rozrywka przednia